The Exclusive New Tech Club

Explosive trades in AI and quantum computing and other sectors. Become a member of The New Exlusive Tech Club and enjoy all the benefits.

Explosive trades in new technologies, AI and quantum computing.

We are networkers, rubbing shoulders with the cream of investors and business leaders.

They hold information that is inaccessible to retail investors like you.

That's why we want to reveal their strategies to you and make this insider information, exclusive and confidential, available to our members of The Exclusive New Tech Club.‍

On a regular basis, we'll be sending you our publication The Exclusive New Tech Club in PDF format, in which we'll give you an update on our past positions, those to come and our earnings prospects. It will also enable you to analyze the latest movements and trends. This service is exclusive because it capitalizes fully on our experts.

You' ll easily recoup the annual CHF 7,000 thanks to all these explosive trades.

Currently, with:
-The 3 AI stocks you can aim for X 24 by 2025
-And X 100 and X 200 with our 2 quantum computing stocks.

Join our members and "Let the money come to you".

Subscribe to the club

1 month: CHF 700
1 year : 9000 CHF
10 years : 60000 CHF

Lifetime subscription: CHF 50,000